What is Your Midlife Type?

Remember magazine quizzes? I was a huge magazine girl and I spent many an afternoon flopped on a sofa figuring out my style and personality types. It was important to know one’s party personality per below (I adore the reference to mixtapes!)

Source: Pinterest

When I discovered the more scientifically backed MBTI assessment when I was in university, I was in heaven and use it in my work today. My love of “types” took me into a study of archetypes over the years and in midlife, they come out to play. Carl Jung believed that in midlife we get bored and like to start to play against type and that’s why people are running around buying convertibles or bulking up a la Jeff Bezos.

I’d urge you to eplore your midlife type with a little more decorum.

We’ve created a fun Midlife Personality Type quiz for you to find out what facets of you personality you might be wanting to explore in midlife. It draws from Caroline Myss’s Archetypes and from the Pearson Marr Archetype Indicator (a tool I use in coaching) as well as from our observations of midlife women and ourselves! It’s just for fun and entertainment but it might get you thinking about who you want to be in midlife!

Don’t overthink the questions and be honest! As women we’ve been conditioned to be caregivers and to sacrifice but if you want to explore your bougie, luxury loving side in midlife (as we do!) declare it unapologetically.

We love you.
