The Top 12 Crystals for Midlife Women

Did you know that I’m a Certified Crystal Reader? It’s honestly one of the more useful courses I’ve taken.

I try to keep things pretty corporate and brain science focused in my day gig but for the Selfish community, I like to spill all of my secrets. Babe can tell you what lasers and potions to use to keep you looking snatched and I can tell you what rocks to carry in your pocket. We all have our gifts.

I find crystals are a useful tool on the midlife journey. Now, being a Certified Crystal Reader (TM!), I studied up on how certain crystals have certain energetic properties. Light crystals like rose quartz tend to have reflective qualities when it comes to energy. Darker crystals like black tourmaline tend to absorb energy. So if you want to feel elevated, some rose quartz is good. If you want to feel grounded or protected, get yourself some smoky quartz.

Here are the crystals I find most useful in midlife including a handy-dandy chart. Reminder that this is for entertainment purposes and is a tool to add to your toolkit. It’s not a substitute for legal, medical or other professional advice!

Citrine has the energy of prosperity, self-esteem and confidence so use it when having meetings with new clients, discussing finances, dealing with divorce issues etc. (I just like to have it on my desk where I can see it)

Amethyst, with it’s regal purple color is good to help you tap into your intuition, insight, and manifestation energy. It’s useful if you are working on your goals, trying to make a decision or working on your vision board. There is no magic to it. I like the rough stones on my desk and polished and tumbled stones to use like worry stones. Don’t overthink it!

Lapis Luzuli governs communication and helps you focus on wisdom, learning, and truth. When I teach, I often wear lapis. It’s a great stone for jewelry.

Rose Quartz helps you channel compassion, kindness, and love. Plus, it’s so pretty! I keep a couple of big rough stones (the jagged ones that are not polished) on my bedside table.

Smoky Quartz helps you tap into positivity, protection, and grounding. If I’m dealing with negativity, I use it as a protective stone. To be clear, this is a mindset thing, not a magic thing (although if your belief in magic helps with your mindset, you do you, boo.)

Carnelian is about willpower, passion, and sense of self. It’s another great one to wear in jewelry since it can remind you that you are the fabulous woman that you are.

Malachite is about physical protection, courage, and safety. I’m not saying you can put a crystal in your pocket and walk around a bad neighborhood at night (do not do this!) but if you have less rational fears, it can help remind you that you can do hard things. Plus, it’s so pretty.

Moonstone is all about feminine energy, love, and good luck. So, have it on you when you want a little bit of luck on your side (if you are asking for a raise or pitching your business.)

Angelite helps connect you with love, healing and dreams. It’s a great stone to have in your bedroom.

Clear Quartz is all about balance, energy, and clarity. It’s great to have some around you when you are working.

Tiger Eye is all about self-expression and manifesting. So have around you when you are working on your business, making a presentation or setting some new goals.

Black Tourmaline is about protection, calm, and cleansing. It can be useful to remind you to establish and uphold your boundaries when dealing with toxic people.

Some people believe that crystals have magical properties. I was on the fence until the Bvlgari ring I bought at a Soiffer Haskin sample sale in New York a zillion years ago lost its lapis lazuli stone. I looked everywhere for it but it was gone. Months later, I found the stone sitting on the top of one of my spin bike shoes that I wore several times a week. It was impossible! According to the repair people: it is not at all unusual for lapis to appear and reappear at will if you are having communication blocks. Super kooky but if the universe is speaking to me, it makes sense it would be through a Bvlgari ring, right? I’d really like it to start speaking to me through a Serpenti diamond necklace, but I digress…

If this all strikes you as a little woo woo, think of crystals as a powerful reminder of how heat and pressure can create beauty. Diamonds are formed when the carbon from organic and inorganic material is subjected to heat (like, 900-1300 degrees celsius) and pressure (like, the weight of a continental plate.) They tend to be found where a meteorite strike took place and are often brought to the surface through volcanic activity.

Kind of makes night sweats seem like a cake walk, yes?

The inside of a diamond is spectacular. The carbon atoms are arranged in a symmetrical series of tetrahedrons. All of that chaos somehow creates this perfect internal order. Isn’t that cool? It reminds me that the universe is working for our good even if it seems to take a weird way of getting there.

You don’t have to overthink them. If you want to leave them in the moonlight to recharge, do it, but they don’t diminish in effectiveness if you forget. They are a tool for your good and that’s that.

If you are going through some midlife strife - job chaos, a stressful marriage, the generational squeeze - crystals can remind you that something gorgeous and valuable can emerge. After a diamond is sourced from the earth, it is cut into a shape with many facets, and then polished until it shines. That’s what I think these midlife years are for. The decades you’ve logged have created some fabulous base material with so much potential. Now you get to decide what shape you want to take and how much you are going to shine.


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